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Earth Dragon's Kiss (High House Draconis Book 4) Page 12
Earth Dragon's Kiss (High House Draconis Book 4) Read online
Page 12
“Sarah?” he called, lifting his head to look around.
The horns on top of his head smashed into the concrete ceiling painfully. Bellowing at the hurt, he ripped them free, forced to close his eyes as concrete and concrete dust rained down around him.
“Sarah!” he called, moving his head away from the downpour, looking around again as his eyes opened. “Where are you?”
Jax’s ears picked up the sound of a car engine. Was one of the others down there now, preparing to leave? He didn’t understand what was going on. Where was Sarah? Why wasn’t she staring with wide-eyed awe and amazement at him? She was supposed to be there. To understand him.
Where was she?
A vehicle appeared around one of the thick columns supporting the underground garage. A wild-eyed Sarah, still dressed in gray sweats and with a bright red towel wrapped around her head was at the wheel, staring fearfully at him as she whipped by, headed for the entrance.
“Sarah?” he said, the question floating out into the empty air as her car disappeared up the ramp.
Jax returned to his human form, staring after her. “What did I do wrong?” he asked weakly, running a hand through his hair.
This hadn’t gone at all how he’d imagined it. For years he’d pictured this moment, the reveal to his mate, to show her who he truly was, what he truly was. He would shift in front of her and say This is me.
His mate would stare in awe, hand clapped over her mouth, eyes wide. She would begin to shake and then say something like I don’t believe it. He would tell her it’s real, and in return, she would ask to touch him. To come up and rest a palm on one of his scales. Then he would offer to take her for a flight. She would, of course, be nervous then, but in the end would come around. That was how it would go. He’d planned it out, dreamt of it, a thousand-thousand times before.
This, though. This he hadn’t foreseen.
She had run from him.
She had run, and she had his secret.
Jax’s heart sank as he realized he had to go after her. He had to catch up with her and prevent her from doing anything that might give away his secret. There was one thing that was more paramount to his kind, to all shifters, than love, and that was keeping themselves secret from humans.
“It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s not real.”
Sarah repeated the phrase over and over again, hoping that one time she would say it, and actually believe it.
Humans were creatures whose lives were primarily based around the visual, around being able to see. To ‘see the truth’ of something. So, when someone was shown something that they didn’t believe, like, oh, say, a human changing into a dragon, it didn’t mesh very well with their psyches.
Repeating words, trying to convince herself of something when she knew her eyes had seen something entirely different, with a realism too great to be faked, had snapped something deep inside Sarah. A fear that she’d never known she possessed before.
A fear that she was going crazy.
She’d never had issues with hallucinations or anything similar, but it was a deep-seated fear that had long lingered in the back of her mind. Now it was coming full-on to the forefront and had decided to manifest itself with Jax.
Why a dragon though? That was part of what she couldn’t understand. Why had she imagined him turning into a dragon?
“Am I truly crazy if I think I’m having hallucinations?” she wondered out loud, the big overpowered SUV hurtling around another turn, the heavy V8 engine responding to her lightest touch on the pedal.
She mulled that question over as well, trying to stop her hands from shaking on the steering wheel as she went.
Could one suffer from hallucinations, yet somehow know that they weren’t real? Sarah was no expert on the subject, not even an armchair one. But something ate at her, told her that, if she knew they were fake, then she had a higher likelihood of not being out of her mind.
But by that logic, if I’m not out of my mind, then I shouldn’t be having hallucinations. Which means what I saw was real. Which of course, isn’t possible, because people can’t magically transform into dragons. Oh.
Maybe this was how people ended up cracking, going ‘crazy’ and needing lots of mental health support. They went around and around in a circle of logic, trying to figure out what was real, what wasn’t until they no longer knew.
“Yeah. I can buy that. I’ve been living it for five minutes and I’m already on the edge. Dragons,” she snorted, focusing on the road, trying to keep the scene from stealing her vision.
It had been a huge dragon, its scales a brilliant copper. Like his eyes. Had her subconscious designed the imaginary dragon to look like that because of Jax’s unusual eyes? That seemed like a detail too minute for it to transfer over, but she didn’t have much of an idea about anything just then, so what did it matter?
She raced over the next hill, desperate to get away. Just in case. Just in case it had been real. Because what if Jax really could turn into a dragon, and had been just about to eat her? She certainly didn’t want that creature catching up to her! She needed to get home, and soon!
Sarah slammed on the brakes abruptly. Tires screeched, rubber burned and the car slid to a shaking halt, throwing her forward against the seatbelt.
“I can’t go home!” she half-wailed to herself as reality started to sink in. “Not if it was real.”
Jax knew where she lived. Which meant the dragon knew where she lived. It knew that would be the first place she would run to, seeking sanctuary. But what sort of protection could her house offer against a creature of that size, and likely power? Couldn’t he breathe fire too?
She had to go somewhere else. Somewhere that she would be safe, where Jax could never find her. Could never hurt her.
“Grandma,” she breathed, seeing the flaw in her plan. Just as Sarah couldn’t go home, she couldn’t just leave her grandmother there either. She had to bring her. They would have to flee Plymouth Falls together.
“Fuck.” She paused, slamming her hands off the steering wheel. “Fuck!”
Her foot stomped down on the gas. The engine roared, tires squealed, and then she was off, the big bulky SUV rumbling back up to speed.
She arrived home, pulling up into the driveway with another screech of the poor tires and threw the car in park, not bothering to shut it off.
“Grandma!” she called, jumping out of the car, running toward the door.
A figure stepped out of the darkness. One hand clamped over her mouth with shocking strength, while the other slipped behind one arm, around her back and then grabbed the other, hoisting her from her feet with casual ease.
“Easy,” a deep voice rumbled in her ear as she kicked and struggled, trying to scream through the makeshift gag of his palm. “I’m not here to hurt you. Relax. Relax.”
Sarah twisted, turned, kicked, flailed and even tried to bite. Yet every which way she moved, Jax moved with her or stopped her from doing anything.
“Enough,” he rumbled in her ear, and muscles made of steel squeezed just a little bit tighter.
Sarah went still with a squeak, hating herself for not being strong enough to break free of his grasp, even as she knew it wasn’t actually her fault. Jax was unnaturally strong, and now she knew why.
“I don’t like doing this,” Jax said, still talking into her ear.
He was very good, she decided. Very good, because she could hear the pain in his voice, the self-loathing at his actions, at the way he was being forced to treat her.
She tried to talk again, to call him out, but his hand was still clamped over her mouth.
“If I let go of you, do you promise not to scream, or try to run?” he asked warily.
Sarah thought about lying, about pretending to agree with him, then making a run for it, but the logical side of her brain kicked in, presenting her with a fact she hadn’t yet quite processed.
Jax had beaten her here. Despit
e her head start, and the crazed way with which she had driven, somehow, he had managed to not only get here first but also with plenty of time to get set up and ambush her out of the dark.
Whoever he was, whatever he was, she was outclassed. He possessed supernatural speed, it seemed, along with his insane strength. What could she hope to do against something like that?
She nodded slowly. He hadn’t killed her or eaten her yet and was in his human form. That, combined with the way he seemed regretful for his actions…
“I’m not letting you go completely yet,” he said, but his grip did slacken. “I can still tell you’re panicked. Which is understandable. But I can’t have you screaming out and drawing attention to us. We’re already risking enough.”
“What? Risking enough how?” she asked as his hand pulled back from her mouth. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s not safe out here,” Jax said, keeping his voice quiet. “Not anymore. We need to go.”
“This is my house,” she protested. “It’s completely safe.”
“Not anymore,” Jax said ominously. “Not now that you’ve been with me.”
“With you?” she asked reflexively.
“Oh great, thanks for shouting that to the entire neighborhood,” she snapped, though he wasn’t speaking loud enough for anyone to hear anyway. “And why am I even talking to you anyway! Let me go!”
“Keep your voice down,” he growled, a new emotion entering his voice.
He was nervous, Sarah realized abruptly.
“Jax, what the hell is going on?” she asked. “Who are you? What are you? Why are you…why,” her voice trailed off. “I’m so confused. Am I going crazy?”
“No,” Jax said. “Though I can understand why you think that. I…I did not do that properly. Now, if you will just come with me, we can go back, and I’ll explain everything.”
“Absolutely not. I am not going anywhere with you. Not until I get some answers!” Her voice was rising again, the fear of what she’d seen overriding Jax’s demands that she be quiet now.
“Quiet!” Jax hissed. “We don’t have time for this Sarah. We have to. Now. Before it’s—”
She turned to look at him. “Before what, Jax?”
“I think he was about to say, before it’s too late,” a calm voice said from the bottom of the driveway.
Sarah spun to see a trio of figures arrayed in a line facing them, hands spread out to the sides.
“Sarah,” Jax said calmly, moving in front of her, blocking her view of the new members. “You’re not about to like what happens. But for that, I’m sorry. It’s the only way to keep you safe.”
Sarah’s voice was cut in half as the ground opened up below her and swallowed her whole.
Sarah’s panicked yelp cut off sharply as the ground flowed like water over her head and turned solid once more.
Jax hated what he’d done, but he’d seen the shadows flowing around the vampires. Shadows that Sarah would not have recognized or known the significance of. But he did. They were not newly converted, and there were three of them, to just him.
Keeping her safe would allow Jax to fight to the fullest of his abilities, and judging by the opponents arrayed against him, he was going to need it. The vampires had tracked him faster than he’d anticipated they would.
“We almost had you earlier,” one of them said, and the trio chuckled, spreading out wide, cutting off his avenue of escape.
“I saw,” he snarled, calling upon his powers, feeling the cool slickness of his metal armor descend over his body. It would protect him from their blows for a time, but Jax knew he had to change the odds against him as soon as possible.
“A shame, really, that we’ll have to let your human suffocate after we kill you.” This was the middle one speaking. Taller than the others, the shadows moved about him slightly faster than the others, and darker too.
This, then, was their leader.
It took all Jax had to focus his thoughts on the vampires and not Sarah. She was safe in the ground for some time. Her air would last long enough for him to dispatch the trio, and even if he couldn’t finish things quickly enough, he had a backup plan in place.
She’s safe, he reassured himself once again.
This time, however, she had seen the danger, had been aware of it. On the way back from their dinner date earlier, Jax had seen the vampire car following them. It had almost been a close thing. The sun had still been shining the last rays over the horizon until he was nearly at the gates to Drakon Keep. Only that had kept the vamps at bay, unable to use their powers to the fullest until darkness came on in full.
Sarah had been unaware of it of course, and it had been a tremendous effort on his part not to let his body language stray away from anything but her. He’d succeeded—it was relatively easy to show her that he was interested in her body as they drove, keeping her mind elsewhere, but more than once he’d nearly slammed his foot down on the accelerator and simply taken off in an attempt to leave the vamps behind.
But now he had them, and he could show his displeasure.
A light flicked on in a house across the street.
Dammit. Gotta remember the humans. And Sarah’s grandmother. She’s here, and vulnerable. If she comes outside…
“Yes. You understand now,” the lead vampire said, sensing his sudden wariness of what was around them. “Bring out your dragon. Please.”
Jax had no interest in doing any such thing. Nor did he want to fight the vampires here. Unfortunately, he couldn’t just escape himself. He needed to ensure the vampires were either destroyed or drawn away from the humans, especially Nancy Mingott.
He sent a thought out into the earth as a plan came to him. It was…wild. Reckless nearly to the point of suicidal. Yet in the instant, his brain on edge, it was all he could come up with that would work.
“Are you ready to play, then?” he taunted, calling upon the earth to aid him.
A blade as black as the night itself formed in his right hand, while in the left the onyx earthen metal spread wide from his forearm, a long rectangular shield.
In response, the vampires called the shadows to them. The one on his right formed a quarterstaff. He then, was the weakest of the trio, for the staff was the first weapon vampires learned. To Jax’s left, a two-handed greatsword appeared. That wasn’t good.
But the center vampire worried him the most. That one didn’t form a weapon at all.
Licking his lips, eyes darting around, Jax did his best to convince the vampires of his fear. It wasn’t hard, as all he had to do was think of Sarah buried in a hole in the ground, not knowing what was going on or why she was there, and the fear came to him naturally.
He fed that with the fear he’d experienced at her reaction to his true self. The fear of what he was going to have to do to keep the secret of his kind safe. That all mixed together, and he let it show. It had to be a convincing display if they were to buy it.
Rushing forward, he swung wildly. The vampires dropped back, letting him come. He did it again. Then again.
After that, the vampires tired of playing games. As Jax backed up rapidly toward the house, opening a gap nearly thirty feet between them, the vampires came at him. It was perfect.
Jax stood up straight, grinned at the vampires, and then the earth swallowed him as well. He ducked low as a shadow blade stabbed down through the earth, but it was angled and missed him by a mile.
Sarah’s fist, however, didn’t. It clanged against his metal skin painfully.
“Ow! What the fuck was that?” she shouted.
“Come on,” he rumbled, reaching out, his eyes seeing perfectly in the dark.
One of his hands closed around her forearm.
“What? We can’t go anywhere. It’s a solid hole, I tried that already, Jax,” she snapped, recognizing his voice. “What are you wearing? Ow, my hand.”
He didn’t have time
to explain. The vampires wouldn’t wait long. Forging forward, dragging Sarah along behind him, they walked, the earth parting around them like liquid, responding to Jax’s command.
The ground angled down in front of them, taking them under a pipe.
“Going up to the surface now,” Jax said, ignoring Sarah’s repeated demands for information. “I’m going to pick you up, and then run. It’s going to be fast. I need you to not fight me on it. Can you do that?”
“Absolutely not! How dare you ask me that, after you magically put me into a hole in the ground, mister! Who the hell do you think you—garadhsd!” Her words cut off as he put a hand over her mouth.
“You have two options,” Jax growled, losing his patience with her hysteria. “One. We stay down here. The vampires get your grandmother. Two, you let me grab you and run, and you don’t fight me, and all of us survive. You have three seconds to decide on option two before option one is taken by default. What will it be?”
He didn’t actually know that, but he needed to get through to Sarah, to reach her rational brain, otherwise, they were going to be screwed. Time was of the essence here, and if the vampires thought to go after G-Nance before they surfaced, then their plan went out the window.
“Two,” Sarah said sullenly.
“Thank you.” The earth rose abruptly, and he scooped her up into his arms as the asphalt of the street parted and then flowed back under his feet, erasing any sign of the fact they had just come up through it.
Jax took a solid step forward, and the ring of his metal feet on the pavement alerted the vampires from their huddle on the driveway a hundred feet away.
By the time they started moving, Jax was already approaching the speed of a human runner. Three steps later, he was running as fast as a world record sprinter. He kept accelerating, not bothering to hold back.
Any humans who saw him now wouldn’t believe what they saw anyway, so he didn’t care. It was dark enough to hide, they would just assume it was a shadow, a figment of their imagination.
“We’re about to go up high. Don’t scream please,” he rumbled.